
Emily Hultmark

Headshot for Emily Hultmark

Emily Hultmark has Swedish/English roots and has spent much of her professional life in Sweden. She was appointed Principal bassoon of the Philharmonia in 2017, having previously been Principal of the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic, Principal of the opera orchestra of the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia in Valencia and her first ever job as second bassoon in the Gothenburg Symphony.

She has had the privilege to work under her favourite conductors such as Dudamel, Muti, Nelsons, Rouvali and Mehta. Emily’s solo appearances include concertos with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic under the leadership of Santtu-Matias Rouvali. She often appears as guest Principal in the Academy of St Martin in the Fields, the Royal Philharmonic, the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Aurora and the Halle.

A creative background has allowed Emily the freedom to expand boundaries within her playing. She has a passion for exploring the capacity of the bassoon's place within improvisatory, theatrical and experimental groups and creates her own music with electronics.

Faculties / departments: Woodwind


For enquiries please contact:

Emily Hultmark

Bassoon professor



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